Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Stepping in to the Arena!

Picture this.

You are a parent. You are a daughter. You are a son. You are a friend. You are part of a team. Part of an organization.

And things aren’t going well.

You may know this because of the data. Perhaps your organization is under performing.

You may know this because things aren’t getting done. Lots of promises. No action.

You may know this because everyone around you is just waiting for something to change.

You may know this because you feel it in your gut. You may know because of the unspoken tension in your house?

As a coach, I often ask my clients this question...what will happen if things don’t change in the next six months?

Each of these gooey, uncomfortable, heart-wrenching, teeth grinding situations provide you with an opportunity. An opportunity for Daring Leadership.

I spent this past weekend glued to ZOOM to become trained in Brenee Brown’s program, Dare To Lead.

There’s so much to unpack about my training experience.

But let’s start with addressing the discomfort zone. The place you are stuck. The place where a change matters.

Theodore Roosevelt stated it best.

“It is not the critic who counts; and the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.”

“The credit belongs in the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...who at the best knows in the end triumph of high achievement who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

Think of the discomfort zone as being a physical space like the Colosseum in Rome.

Now think of standing at the door of this arena.

Each of the situations I’ve painted requires us to walk through the door of the arena. To get brave...and as Brenee says rumble with vulnerability.

And its not easy. I spent the weekend walking through my own calls to courage. At times wrestling with my head and my heart. My mom loved saying you have to go through something to get to the other side. You can’t keep going around it. Or pretending it isn’t there.

The first step of this journey is recognizing that you need to walk through the door of the arena.

What tools can you pull from your toolbox once you decide you need to rebuild?

If you find you need some support in sorting out the toolbox or if you need to get some new tools, I’m here.

The Think Good Company is here to support courageous leaders ready to make pivots. So, if you are ready to walk through that door and get courageous, let’s go!

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